European Union

On 20th January 2018, Turkey began its military operation called “Olive branch” in Afrin, a city in the north-western part of Syria dominated by the People’s Protection Units (YPG), the mainly-Kurdish militia in the country. Ankara’s goal is to create a 30-kilometer deep safety belt that serves as a buffer […]

The Turkish operation in Afrin and the possible impact on relations with the European ...

On 20th January 2018, Turkey began its military operation called “Olive branch” in Afrin, a city in the north-western part of Syria dominated by the People’s Protection Units (YPG), the mainly-Kurdish militia in the country. Ankara’s goal is to create a 30-kilometer deep safety belt that serves as a buffer […]

The Turkish operation in Afrin and the possible impact on relations with the European ...

In an interview released to the Press Service of the European Parliament on Wednesday 28th February 2018, the ALDE member Javier Nart called for more ways to address a global security issue that has concerned Community and international institutions for a long time now, namely terrorism funding. The Spanish Member […]

New tactics require new strategies: how can the European Union strengthen the fight against ...